Thursday, November 3, 2011

I couldn't decide how to color it. So I didn't.

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Colored pencil does not scan well

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Hark! A dream beheld!

A lone warrior standing against a menace dark
Flame spewing from its maw
Barely reflected by upraised shield
A claw reached out and tumbled
Sliced off by razor-sharp sword
Blood spurted, then quick as thought
The monster roared, whole once more

The battle raged, first monster, then warrior
Neither gaining victory, neither admitting defeat
I looked, and wondered, who could win?
But as I pondered further
The warrior faltered, and stumbled
Momentarily, and rose back to the fray
Movements slower than before
The monster pressed its advantage
But the warrior withstood its attacks still

But as I watched
A tendril, a thread, unseen by its target
Wormed its way into the warrior's mind
And began its slow poison drip

I awoke, but one last thing I saw...
"How long can I fight this? How long 'til I fall?"