Thursday, March 31, 2011


These are days
When words are few
When my heart is breaking
And life is empty
When I'm floating alone
Lost in the void
When the razor beckons
But I lack the strength

I stare at the abyss
But dare not jump
Then I realize
I already have
And I'm falling
I'm floating
I'm dying alive
No thought for tomorrow
I just barely am
And what was
And what will be
Both so far away
I've only the moment
The stillness
That never ends

I wish for the dark
To see blackness and pain
I wish for the light
For hope and joy springing
For anything I wish
But this nothing
How long can I bear
The grey murky fog
Who knows? Who can?
Time has no meaning
Not in here

So, words come slowly
They mean nothing new
I'm only repeating
What was, and will be
For this is my life
This and the darkness
Oh Father, hear my words
Give me the darkness!
Give me something to feel
Pain or sorrow
Agony and despair
Guilt and shame
Anything but this
Anything but nothing.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

O Thou Darkness

O thou darkness
I hate thee
So why dost thou
Tempt me
With thy return?

O thou darkness
Leave off! Desist!
I dare not
Believe thy lies
Thy subtle draw

O thou darkness
Do not bind me
Do not break me
Do not hold me
In thy depths

O thou darkness
Thou has caused me
So much agony
Why does some part
Desire thy renewal?

O thou darkness
What hold hast thou?
What stubborn chains?
Why dost thou
Enslave me?

O thou darkness
Thou hadst thy years
My youth was thine
Leave off! Return
Thou from this pursuit!

O thou darkness
I beg of thee
Turn thou thine ear
Release me, I plead!
Grant me freedom!

Monday, March 14, 2011

I Will Forget

There have been many hurts
But I will forget them
Much pain not intended
So I will forget it
As far as east from west
Has God removed MY sins
And remembers them no more
So I must also forget
Your sins, my friend

Your tiny faults
Your glaring failures
I will forget
Your sinful choices
Your foolish mistakes
I will forget

Forgiveness has been sought
And obtained
So I will forget
I hold no record
Keep no blame
I will forget

It is not easy, this forgetting
My heart wants to keep score
My flesh tally offenses
My mind analyze
But I choose to forget

If you choose
To remember
That is not bad
But it is a choice
If you choose
To remember
Remember also
That forgiveness has been
Asked and granted

But as for me
I will forget

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Soul Renewed

To love deeply
To believe truly
To hope purely
These are the things
Renewed in my soul

To find salvation
To cherish freedom
To seek truth
These are God's gifts
Renewed in my soul

To feel joy
To see sunshine
To trust unreservedly
These are now present
Renewed in my soul

To glorify God
To desire service
To humble myself
These things has God
Renewed in my soul