Sunday, May 2, 2010

I Don't Choose This!

I cling to that word
Cling to the cross
I cling to my Savior
Trust in his blood

But the darkness presses
And the shadow falls
Will they engulf me again?
Will they bind me in their chains?
How long will I fight them?
How long 'till I fall?

They've already a foothold
They always have
I see them approaching
But where do I run?
I can't run from the shadows,
From what's in my mind
No matter how far I run
I can't leave them behind

I know what they say
(That nebulous "they")
"Just read your Bible,
Trust God, and pray."
And it sounds so good
If only it worked
If only the shadows
Saw God and fled

The shadows don't do that
That won't make them flee
And that won't keep the darkness
Away from my mind

I don't choose the darkness
I know that it comes
I know in the past
I've dragged myself down.
But not this time!
Not here and now!
I don't choose the shadows...
But my choice counts for naught
The darkness will come
Whether I will it or not.

So I cling to my Savior
I do read, trust, and pray
And I pray that this darkness
Lasts not very long
And won't sink me too far
Or bring me to blood
I hope it won't blind me
To Savior and Love
Or make me alone
In the midst of a crowd.

I trust you, my Father
That you're in control
That you won't send an evil
You won't help me escape

O God my Father!
The darkness is here!
It's smashing the gates
And battering the walls
And as the walls fall
And shadows rush in
I pray you won't
Leave me chained here
For long...

Once a Cutter

I haven't blogged in a while, because I haven't seen myself as a cutter for a while. But now...
This ought to be one of the happiest times in my life. And it is. I am supremely happy. I'm getting married in 6 days! It's amazing!
And yet the darkness threatens to engulf me. WHY?? It doesn't make sense. I don't choose this! I don't desire this! And yet...ahhhh! And yet, I do. No! I can't. So much battle inside. Except, the darkness doesn't fight. It creeps along, and then it engulfs, and when it has, I will no longer fight. And I can't go there! I can't afford a stay in hell, in darkness and in flames.
And with the darkness of course comes the almost overwhelming desire to cut. I haven't cut, not for 70-some days. Which is, by the way, a very long time. But I want to, I want to so bad. Yet, I don't. I can't. I won't.
And so perhaps, it is really...once a cutter, always a cutter, if nowhere else than in my mind.