It is so easy for you to sit in your bubble, where things like depression and mental illness are experienced but not discussed, and say that they don't exist. It is easy for you to say to love God, to trust him, and that if we do, the depression will automagically disappear. The truth is, you're wrong. A time or two that may work, and a time or two more we will tell you it worked, lest you judge us. Because you will. You do. Beware, O Christian college student, of uttering the words, "I'm clinically depressed." You may desire help, but you will only receive condemnation. You grew up in a Christian home...I dare say it was an internal battle or two before you even saw a psychologist to obtain that diagnosis. But you did, and now you have this prescription...but God forbid you should mention that you're taking this medication. That's like...sinful, or something! It's not...but that's the way we've been made to feel, isn't it? But it is so easy for all you people to sit in your bubble and say "depression isn't real, it doesn't exist, especially not among Christians." Or cutting. You have fooled yourselves. Open your eyes, look to see! On my college campus of less than nine hundred, there were four of us that I know of for sure, and several dozen that I'm pretty sure of. All cutters. does exist!
We are here, we are hurting, and we want help...but you continue to convince yourselves that we don't exist. Ah, my heart bleeds for YOU! Your life is built on a lie. You're hiding in a bubble, and eventually it will pop. Then where will you be? You will learn very quickly that these things are real, and you won't have your bubble-mates to reassure you. Try walking up to me and trying to discuss with me that depression isn't real. You have tried in the past. I know how to silence you: "I was diagnosed with clinical depression while I was in a mental hospital for attempted suicide." You generally back away, judging, or sometimes, ashamed.
So don't TELL me depression isn't real. I live it. Don't TELL me Christians don't cut. I am and I do. Wake up, Christians! Open your eyes! And instead of condemning us.
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