My mature and well-adjusted personality! I don't know why, since I am the most mature and well-adjusted individual I've ever had the pleasure to meet!
All joking aside, I suppose I can whine about my lack of musical talent some more. You know the stories about prodigies who lived and breathed music all their lives growing up and turn out to be extremely talented and can do anything musically? I got one out of three of those (hint, it's the first one). I grew up in a music teacher/pastor's home, so I was inundated with music of a certain variety. My eldest brother is insanely talent and should go on the Voice (or similar show) and get a record deal or something. My second brother has some talent too, though I do not know if he was ever as interested in developing it as the eldest. Then there is the third child, also gifted with an extremely talented voice. And it looks like the younger one has inherited the talent as well, though he would rather play Call of Duty than sing. As for me, well...I sing, but not well. I am often off-key and I can't stay on a part by myself to save my life. I play the piano, but only at what I would consider a late intermediate or maybe early advanced level. I taught myself to play the recorder, but really anyone who can blow can play a recorder. For example my two-year-old son has already figured out how to cover different holes for different sounds. He'll probably pass me up by the time he is four. And finally I play the clarinet and bass clarinet. I taught myself how to play those as well, which may be why I absolutely suck at it. Or blow, to use a double (triple?) meaning.
Oh. I do actually get compliments on the piano playing, from my mother. I operate on the assumption that family members don't count. But for the most part, I don't get compliment on my musical abilities, because I don't deserve it. I still wish I did, though! Deserve it, that is. Undeserved compliments are just kind of stupid.
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