It's a little funny that when I sit down write about something I'm passionate about...I can't think of anything to say. Maybe that's because even after playing WoW for a year now, I still find myself feeling like an absolute newbie. I've dabbled in a lot of things, and if you want to know anything about any starting area or how to play any class up to about twenty or so, I can pontificate at length. One of these days I'll probably make a toon of every race/class combo, just to say I have. I'm probably halfway there already.
[Oh hey look, <Censored> (no, that's the guild name, I'm not censoring it) just got realm first Heroic Deathwing. Grats to them.]
Anyway. Amusing story...the other day we pugged some people into DS for our weekly guild run. (By weekly, I mean, "happens every once in a while," and by guild run I mean "we started it with our four people.") I'm toodling along on my male belf pally (can you say "stereotype"?) healing the crap out of their (much more talented) butts, when I made some crack about my name confusing people. "Which one are you?" they ask me. Surprised that they hadn't figure this out after all my screaming about fire and standing there-in, I replied, "Uh...Matthew..." It was kind of like the time I was running on my druid Samuel through some dungeons with my husband (who'd named his toon Peterson) and called him "love." Okay, so it wasn't like that at all, since in DS we all had a good laugh, and in Deadmines I was called a "c***-loving f** with a d*** up his a**." By the way...people kind of need to grow up before they're allowed to play with others. Granted, with names like "Bigforeskin" and "Wettitties" I suppose I should have expected immaturity. Then again, since I pulled and left that group, I'm probably somewhat lacking in maturity as well.
Okay, now that I've successfully turned this post about...something...into a rant, I shall bid you farewell. Happy gaming!
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