My name is Matthew. I am a Blood Knight. I'll admit I don't know much of what that entails as far as history or politics go. Suffice it to say, then, that I wield the Light, and it serves me.
I don't remember much of my childhood. I fear this has something to do with living in such close proximity to so much arcane magic for so long, but what can I do? I am sindorei...I could not part from arcane magic even if I so desired. My earliest memories start at a small place in northern Eversong Woods, where I first chose to use the Light. I was handed a sword and sent to fight mana wyrms, not a particularly formidable foe. But it served to stretch my muscles, and to confirm that I had chosen the right path: I would take the Light, and bend it until it served me, for I am sindorei, and I serve no master.
The journey has been a long one, but now as I stand upon the top of Grommash Hold and view this bustling Orgrimmar, I find I am truly proud of who I have become and what I have accomplished. I have saved this world many times over. I have destroyed the Destroyer himself. I am truly master of all I survey.
I am Matthew, Blood Knight.
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