Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Week Past

I think this week I fulfilled my goal of writing in every single one of my blogs. Woot woot! Go me! And so here they are:

  • Darkness Everpressing (which is still locked, so if you aren't an invited reader, you won't be able to follow this link):
  • Untwisting the Tangled Web
  • I Play with Markers
  • Threnody's WoW
  • Hyanda Ar' Agar
    • Hey There (I link this one only because it technically is a post, and I wrote it this week. Also it makes my list look more impressive. I wouldn't expect any more posts from it, though, since Darkness Everpressing is basically a clone of what Hyanda Ar' Agar used to be before I had to take it down so my inlaws would stop twisting what I wrote into death threats about them.)
I look forward to the several dozen pageviews I generally get on Thursdays now. It's really quite gratifying. Also, we hit 2k pageviews this week, which is pretty awesome. That's for all time, by the way. So in like two years I've gotten 2000 page views. That's 1000/year...83/month...20/week...3/day. Not too shabby for a blog which is promoted so rarely it might as well not be promoted at all.


  1. Ahhh. iPhone is difficult to find posting section on. I basically hit buttons till it worked. Despite my overly biased, twistedly evil Christian penpoint, I only moderate comments in my arena because of spammers. Not being able to comment due to moderation rules is actually my biggest annoyance-- part of the reason I really don't like Jen s. blog. Anyways, thanks for the msupport. Im almost at a thousand views for all time in my second month of blogging.

  2. Aw, I liked the unicorn. The background detail is pretty awesome and the tree has a mesmerizing quality. . . .

    Clayton, that's kinda ironic since you're the reason I had to moderate them. lol

  3. He is my reason as well, lol. Just to clarify, I didn't draw the Unicorn picture (I don't generally draw) I just colored it. But I did have fun with that tree. :)
