Friday, January 22, 2010

Inward Scars

It shouldn't matter
It's done with
It's over
I'm free...
Or should be.

But the scars remain
The scars outside
Well, they'll fade

But every time
I want to cut
But don't
I carve a new scar
On my heart
Every time I want to hide
But don't
Carves a new scar on my soul
Every time
I say "I'm fine"
And lie
There's new scars
And they don't fade

Less than
Two hundred scars
But inside

Scar upon scar
Hurt upon hurt
I hurt myself
They're my choices

But why would that hurt less?
Would it hurt less
If you held the blade?
Would it bleed less
If you made the cut?

I like who I am, you know
Parts of me, anyway
I don't mind being a "cutter"
That's who I am
I like cutting
That's why I do it
It controls me, yes
But I can't bring myself to hate it

I love the pain
The punishment
The rush
The blood
The scars
The release
The pattern

The pain - it mirrors me inside
The punishment - I deserve it
The rush - lets me feel "happy," at least for a while
The blood - it flows, it changes things
The scars - are there forever...I'll never forget
The release - let a little pain out...although it builds up faster than I can let it out
The pattern - my body may be ugly, may be fat - but at least it will be unique

But I hate the hurt
The hurt to my lover
And my friends
I've been hurt too much
To want to hurt others

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